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Scalp Micropigmentation


In the week prior to your first session you should:

  • Exfoliate and moisturize the scalp two times a day at least a week before your treatment.

  • If a hair system is worn, remove it so that fresh air can get to the scalp

  • Cut hair with a trimmer (#0) the night before

  • No sunburn

  • No caffeine (coffee, coke, sports drinks, etc.)

  • No aspirin, blood thinners 

  • No drugs

  • No alcohol

  • Drink water

  • Eat well

On the day of your treatment:

  • ​Wash your scalp (with scent free shampoo), be sure to remove any hair thickening products or fibers well

  • Refrain from putting any product in the hair or on the scalp after it is clean (thickening sprays, gels, moisturizers, hairspray, etc.).  A light, scent free moisturizer can be used if the scalp is still dry (even when following the pre-care directions above)

  • We also recommend having a meal before your session and bring along a snack and beverage

man standing
Scalp Micropigmentation - Client Testimo


Day 1-4 After your Treatment Session

After the first 4 days after each session you should avoid:

  • Touching, picking or disturbing the scalp

  • Showering, or shaving

  • Any activities (sports, gym, etc.) that cause excessive sweating

  • Using lotions or shampoos (other then what your technician provides you)

  • Direct sunlight

  • Tanning booths

  • Swimming

  • Saunas

  • Steam rooms

  • Razor shaving for at least 10 days

  • It is recommended to change your pillow case for the first few nights to mitigate any possible risk of infection

Day 5 After your First Session

5 days after your initial session you should:

  • Wash your scalp gently with lukewarm/cool water and gentle soap

  • Shave your head, using an electric shaver.  No wet shaving (razor blade) for 10 days post treatment

  • Apply moisturizer 2-3 times daily (or as needed) to prevent dry, flaky skin.  Non-perfumed, natural moisturizers are recommended (ex. Aveeno or products sold at our studio)

After 21 days have passed

  • You can go swimming

  • You can use saunas, hot tubs or steam rooms

  • You can expose your scalp to direct sunlight BUT we do recommend using a sunscreen with high SPF, such as 50+ to protect your skin from UV rays and your new hair. Unprotected exposure to the sun may cause unnecessary and early fading

  • Always avoid any products that contain alcohol, they are drying agents (isopropyl, denatured & SD alcohol are agents to watch out for)

  • Moisturize your scalp once a day at minimum

                                  General Tattooing aftercare:
- Clean hands immediately before touching area
- The expected healing time of the site can range significantly, as everyone heals differently however, approximately 48-72 hours post treatment, reduction in these symptoms should
- Advil or Tylenol can be taken to help with any discomfort
- No dressings or covers are required for Scalp Micropigmentation aftercare

- The aftercare ointment provided by your technician is recommended


SWELLING: A slight amount of swelling is normal for a new tattoo.  If the swelling becomes excessive, uncomfortable and pain is radiating beyond the tattoo site, then this can be a sign of infection.

FEVER: This is a symptom of an underlying issue, which might be an infection.  Please contact a medical professional if you think you may have a possible infection, within 24 hours.

Note - Infections are extremely rare

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