
How Often Are SMP Touch Ups Needed?

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

Are you missing certain areas of hair? Going bald? Interested in a Whitby hair loss treatment that can improve the overall appearance of your scalp/hair? At Ink2Scalp Studios we are proud to offer scalp micropigmentation, one of the fastest-growing hair loss solutions in Canada. SMP can be a wonderful option for improving confidence and restoring the appearance of a full head of hair. Today, we are discussing this scalp micropigmentation treatment, how long it lasts and whether touch ups are required over time. If you have additional questions about our Whitby SMP treatment, feel free to reach out. We’re always happy to answer questions and can get you added to our schedule.

How Long Does Scalp Micropigmentation Treatment Last?

Scalp Micropigmentation is a treatment known as “permanent cosmetics”, similar to microblading eyebrows, lips, or eyeliner SMP "permanent makeup" has also become highly popular. Although they are known as “permanent” it actually depends a lot on your lifestyle. Typically scalp micropigmentation needs a touch-up after about 2 to 4 years.

There are various factors that play a role in how often you may need a touch-up, exposure to sun/ultraviolet rays, chlorinated water, one's unique immune system, lotions and creams used regularly, type of pigment used and even the quality of the procedure are all big factors. Some patients prefer to change their hairline shape, side profiles or even style throughout time. This will also require an SMP touch up/revision.

Does Scalp Micropigmentation Fade?

As mentioned above, while considered a “permanent cosmetic” treatment, scalp micropigmentation actually naturally fades over time. This fading varies from person to person and a lot of factors are involved which were mentioned above. Protecting your scalp and the treatment area with hats, sunscreen or even an umbrella can greatly reduce the fading that occurs over time.

Schedule Scalp Micropigmentation in Whitby, Ontario Today

Interested in scalp micropigmentation in Whitby for your hair loss or balding? Contact us today to schedule an appointment, we would be happy to get you on the schedule for a SMP consultation.